Soul Reset

This was my 11th year at forest. Every year is the same, which is why I keep coming back.
There is no other place on this earth I have gathered with tens of thousands of strangers and felt nothing but love and light. The positive energy is usually so overwhelming for my body that by Sunday I just literally leak.  I tear all day from the pure positive energy that surrounds me on such beautiful grounds.
This place allows so many to come and let their inner child take over and be free and silly and connect with others doing the same.
Every year this place resets my soul and allows me to be in a state of pure happiness. I find that not only for myself but for my group of people who attend with me, we all get this positive reaction from the universe after forest. Call it coincidence but I truly believe it’s getting back some of the magic that we helped create.
You are beautiful. Being a mom has been the best thing that has happened to me. The hardest job in the world but the best payment with the love you receive. I love you.

Nicole Wirtanen

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